Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe


Capital : Buenos Aires
Major Language(s) : Spanish
Largest City : Buenos Aires
Date of UN Membership : 24 Oct. 1945
Largest City Population (in thousands, 1995) : 11802
Currency : peso
GDP (million US$, 1997) : 323548
Area (km
2) : 2780400
Total Population (in thousands, 1999) : 36577
Population Density (per square km., 1997) : 13
GDP Per Capita (US$, 1997) : 9070
Urban Population (%, 1990-99) : 88 
Rate of Urban Growth Population (% per annum, 1990-99): 1,6
Source: 2002, United Nations Publications.


  • Oct.5.2002 - Community-based organizations meeting bulletin, "Buenos Aires, the problem of housing". (spanish version)