Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe

United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean - ROLAC


Capital : Port-au-Prince
Major Language(s) : Haitian, French
Largest City : Port-au-Prince
Date of UN Membership : 24 Oct. 1945
Largest City Population (in thousands, 1995) : 1461
Currency : gourde
GDP (million US$, 1997) : 3110
Area (km
2) : 27750
Total Population (in thousands, 1999) : 8087
Population Density (per square km., 1997) : 270
GDP Per Capita (US$, 1997) : 398

Urban Population (%, 1990-99)
: 33
Rate of Urban Growth Population (% per annum, 1990-99)
: 3,5
Source: 2002, United Nations Publications.


UN - Habitat
Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean - ROLAC

Av. Presidente Vargas, 3131/1304 - Cidade Nova - Rio de Janeiro
20210-030    RJ - Brazil
Tel (55.21) 2515-1700   Fax (55.21) 2515-1701
e-mail: portal@habitat-lac.org