United Nations - Dag Hammarskjld Library
United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library - Research Guide : Quick Links  

This guide is designed for researchers and information professionals with an interest in United Nations documentation. It presents an overview of the various types of documents and publications issued by the Organization (e.g, reports, resolutions, meeting records, sales publications, press releases) and gives guidance on how to work with them.

The Research Guide also provides information on actions taken by the General Assembly as well as the Security Council and introduces researchers to major fields of UN activities: human rights, international law and peacekeeping.

Table of Contents

  Document Symbols

  • What are document symbols? How are they structured?
  • What does the date below the symbol signify?
  • What are sales publications? What do sales categories represent?
  • What are official records? Where can listings of supplements to the official records be retrieved?

  Basic Research Tools

  • What would be a good starting point for research on UN documents?


  General Assembly (GA FAQs)

  • What information can be found in the Journal of the United Nations?
  • How is the agenda of the General Assembly organized?
  • What major types of documents are issued by the General Assembly?
  • What information is included in the reports of the Main Committees of the General Assembly?
  • What numbering system is used for the resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly? Where can the full text in electronic or paper format be retrieved? How can resolutions on a particular topic be identified?
  • Which resolutions were adopted at the 60th session of the General Assembly? Which resolutions were adopted at earlier sessions of the General Assembly?
  • Which conventions, declarations and other instruments were published in General Assembly resolutions (1946 onwards)?
  • Where can voting information for the General Assembly be found?
  • What numbering system is used for the meeting records of the General Assembly? How can speeches made before the General Assembly on a particular topic or by a particular speaker/country be identified?

  Security Council (SC FAQs)

  • What information can be found in the Journal of the United Nations?
  • What major types of documents are issued by the Security Council?
  • What numbering system is used for the resolutions and decisions of the Security Council? Where can the full text in electronic or paper format be retrieved? How can resolutions on a particular topic be identified?
  • Which actions has the Security Council taken in the current year? Which actions did the Security Council take in earlier years?
  • Where can voting information for the Security Council be found?
  • What numbering system is used for the meeting records of the Security Council? How can speeches made before the Security Council on a particular topic or by a particular speaker/country be identified?
  • Which countries have presided over Security Council meetings since 1946?

  Economic and Social Council

  • What information can be found in the Journal of the United Nations?
  • What major types of documents are issued by the Economic and Social Council?
  • What numbering system is used for the resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council? Where can the full text in electronic or paper format be retrieved? How can resolutions on a particular topic be identified?
  • What numbering system is used for the meeting records of the Economic and Social Council? How can speeches made before the Economic and Social Council on a particular topic or by a particular speaker/country be identified?

  Press Releases

  • What information can be found in UN press releases? What do press release series symbols represent? Where can the full text of press releases be retrieved?

  Special Topics

Prepared and maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library (DHL) . Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.

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