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Presiding over the Special Session, left to right: Secretary-General Kofi Annan; Harri Holkeri, President of the fifty-fifth session of the General Assembly; and Jin Yonjian, Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services. (UN Photo #EDD289 by Eskinder Debebe)
Istanbul+5: Reviewing and Appraising Progress Five Years After Habitat II in June 2001   

From 6 to 8 June 2001, five years after Habitat II, the General Assembly of the United Nations will hold a special session to review and appraise implementation of the Habitat Agenda worldwide. In assessing progress toward the Habitat Agenda commitments and strategies, all Member States of the United Nations were invited to prepare a report on national and local implementation of the Habitat Agenda, reflecting the views of the government and of its partners. 

"All partners of the Habitat Agenda, including local authorities, the private sector and communities, should regularly monitor and evaluate their own performance in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda through comparable human settlements and shelter indicators and documented best practices...."

Habitat Agenda, paragraph 240

Progress of the Special Session


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