A-1 Size and Growth of Total Population, Life Expectancy at Birth |
[Word | PDF] |
A-2 Size and Growth of Urban and Rural Population |
[Word | PDF] |
A-3 Households: Number and Growth Rate |
[Word | PDF] |
A-4 Ownership of Housing Units, Selected Countries |
[Word | PDF] |
A-5 Living Quarters by Type, Selected Countries |
[Word | PDF] |
A-6 Occupied Housing Units by Water and Toilet Facilities |
[Word | PDF] |
A-7 Access to Improved Water Sources and Improved Sanitation |
[Word | PDF] |
A-8 Energy and Transport |
[Word | PDF] |
A-9 Area, Density and Land Use |
[Word | PDF] |
A-10 Labour Force and Economic Development Indicators |
[Word | PDF] |
A-11 Social Indicators |
[Word | PDF] |
B-1 Urban Agglomerations – Population Size and Growth Rate |
[Word | PDF] |
B-2 Households – Number and Size and Population in Specific Age Groups |
[Word | PDF] |
B-3 Ownership of Housing Units |
[Word | PDF] |
B-4 Living Quarters by Type, Selected Cities |
[Word | PDF] |
B-5 Occupied Housing Units by Number of Rooms and by Number of Occupants, Selected Cities |
[Word | PDF] |
B-6 Housing units by Water and Toilet Facilities, Selected Cities |
[Word | PDF] |
B-7 Employment Structure, Selected Cities |
[Word | PDF] |
B-8 Social Indicators, Selected Cities |
[Word | PDF] |
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web page is maintained by UNHABITAT, Global Urban Observatory, and was last
updated by Philip Mukungu on 25 June 2002. Please forward comments, corrections
or requests for more information to: (Philip.Mukungu@unhabitat.org)