National campaigns are designed to translate good governance principles
into practice. National campaigns are usually initiated through a
campaign launch: a public event to secure the commitments of all national
partners - national governments, local governments, other stakeholder groups
- to good urban governance. The launch recognizes past achievements
in good urban governance and signals the beginning of a new series of activities
to further improve the quality of life in cities.
A campaign launch usually includes three components:
media event to raise awareness of past achievements and future plans
in the area of good urban governance
substantive event such as a policy review, a capacity-building workshop
or a learning event such as an exchange of best practices
action-plan for improving urban governance, prepared in advance
by key local partners
For more information on the elements of a campaign launch, please see the
Launch Note.
Currently, campaigns are being implemented in the following countries/regions:
Campaign for Good Urban Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Launched jointly with UN-HABITAT's Secure Tenure Campaign on 27 October
2000 in Santiago, Chile.
Nigerian Campaign for Good Urban Governance - launched by His Excellency,
President Olusegun Obasanjo, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
on 10 April 2001. Go to the Press
Indian Campaign for
Good Urban Governance - launched on 3 September 2001 by the Government
of India and UN-HABITAT.
Campaigns are also being prepared for 2002-03 in Burkina Faso, Senegal,
Tanzania, The Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica, Nicaragua,
Peru, the Balkans and in the Arab States.
For more information, please contact:
Global Campaign on Urban Governance
P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (254-2) 623216, Fax: (254-2) 624264