Sustainable Waste Management for African CountriesThe project’s objective is to strengthen the regional capacity for solid waste management in Africa, through developing waste management programmes that include concepts such as waste minimisation, recycling and reuse, and informal sector micro-enterprises that link income generation to environmental protection. In both developed and developing countries, too little attention has been paid to the management of municipal solid wastes. Since 1991, UNCHS (Habitat), UNEP, and UNECA have been developing a common position towards forging a sustainable waste management policy and strategy in Africa. This current proposal is a collaborative effort of these three UN programmes, implemented by UNCHS (Habitat). Chapter 21 of Agenda 21 on “Solid Waste Management and Sewage Related Issues” offers an integrated strategy for waste management which addresses both formal and informal sectors and includes the following areas: (a) minimisation of waste; (b) promotion of waste recycling and reuse; (c) increasing service coverage; and (d) ensuring environmentally sound disposal. The Habitat Agenda clearly identifies the need for improving the living environment, particularly of the urban poor, to stimulate city development. Environmentally sound waste management will support significantly the implementation of the Habitat Agenda. In addition UNCHS(Habitat)’s recently launched campaign for secure tenure requires the important linkages between tenure and the provision of basic urban services to be further investigated. The situation with respect to waste management in Africa is particularly severe. The public sector in many countries is unable to deliver services effectively, regulation of the private sector is limited and illegal dumping of domestic and industrial waste is a common practice.
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