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Localizing Agenda 21 in Nakuru

Total cost

Municipal Council of Nakuru
Various community-based organizations
Ministry of Local Authorities
Ministry of Lands and Settlements
Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation
Post-Graduate Centre for Human Settlements, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Municipality of Leuven
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

Background and objectives
Nakuru, Kenya, is a rapidly growing centre with a diverse economic base of agricultural processing, regional services and tourism.  Particular environmental concerns are caused by the interrelation between human settlements, Lake Nakuru National Park and expansion of the town into geologically fragile areas and rich agricultural land. This situation is aggravated by a decline in urban services, calling for a new approaches towards urban planning and management. 

To promote urban governance, the programme emphasizes the need for a shared vision for the future development of the city.  In parallel, urgent problems are addressed through action planning and environmental conflict resolution.  This process is underpinned by a continuous broad-based consultation process. 
Capacity-building efforts focus on setting priorities for action, targeted human resources development, institutional strenghtening, development and adaptation of tools, encouraging partnerships, mobilistion of resources, and promoting exchange between cities.  Capacity-building efforts focus on setting priorities for action, targeting human resources development, institutional strengthening, development and adaptation of tools, encouraging partnerships, mobilization of resources and promoting the exchange of experiences with cities facing similar problems.

A Strategic Structure Plan (SSP) for Nakuru has been prepared, and a town planning unit is being established to reinforce the council's planning capability and to coordinate implementation of the SSP.  Action plans are being implemented for revitalization of the Council's rental-housing stock, resolution of space-use conflicts around the bus station, improvement of wells around the urban areas, community-assisted solid waste collection and greening projects in several parts of the city.  To sustain these actions, council revenues and the pricing of services are being rationalized, the relationship between the council and CBOs is being strenghtened through zonal development committees and councillors are being trained as environmental guardians.  The partnership between Nakuru and the Municipality of Leuven has resulted in joint actions improving sustainable development in both cities.

Nairobi River Basin Project (NRBP)
Total cost

Nairobi City Council
Africa Water Network
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

Background and objectives
Rapid population growth, urbanization and industrialization in Nairobi have put enormous pressure on the Nairobi rivers and catchment areas.  Untreated industrial waste, raw sewage and waste from activities and human settlements situated along the river have turned the once clear water into sludge, causing health hazards, accelerated eutrophication and stress on the aquatic ecosystem.  The Nairobi River Basin project undertakes to complement and augment the just-initiated Nairobi River Basin project phase I of the UNEP sub-programme for sustainable management and use of natural resources. 

The joint UNEP/UN-Habitat project was a leading partner in the ongoing digital mapping component of this current project, providing office space, equipment and technical expertise.  The mapping component of this project is related to one thematic issue, chemical pollution of the river, but establishing an EMIS will combine information on environmental and urban activities project, allowing mobilization and strengthening of local capacity to plan, coordinate and manage sustainable and environmentally sound urban development through the preparation of an environmental profile, an environmental management information system (EMIS), identification and prioritization of appropriate interventions and evolution of institutional arrangements, as well as provision of asssistance in developing replicable demonstration projects in other areas. 

Project activities resulted in an extensive awareness campaign with exhibitions, clean-up campaigns and publication of a CD-ROM and creation of a database on the Nairobi river basin, including thematic maps on the status of pollution of the rivers and an environmental profile of the river basin.

Poverty Eradication in Kenya's Urban Areas
Total cost
$90,000 for preparatory assistance 

Ministry of Local Authorities 
Office of the President 
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) 

Background and objectives
Recognizing the need to address the pressing issue of increasing poverty in the urban areas of Kenya, UNDP is providing support to UN-Habitat for preparation of a programme for poverty reduction in urban areas.  The programme focuses at the municipal and city levels on improving decision-making structures to make them more responsive to the needs of the poor, strengthening citizen participation and facilitating community groups to interact more effectively with elected municipal leaders and local authorities.

The preparatory process has set up a consultative group on urban poverty, which includes representatives of government bodies, non-governmental organizations, United Nations agencies and donor agencies, to advise on the main issues and agree on responses.  Consultations have been held with all partners, and a draft programme document has been prepared for discussion. 

A development assistance framework was prepared in 1999, and implementation will start soon.

In country's contact:
UNDP Office

Project Support Unit

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