The Bremen Initiative
The Bremen initiative's goal is to promote partnership
between municipality and business to achieve a sustainable future for cities.
Launched by the City of Bremen in 1999, the Bremen Initiative is focused
on cities -where on the one hand problems accumulate but where on the other
hand solutions are more tangible. http://www.bremen-initiative.de |
Cities Alliance
A global alliance of cities and their development partners
committed to improve the living conditions of the urban poor through action
in two key areas: (i) City development strategies which reflect a shared
vision for the city's future and local priorities for action to reduce
urban poverty; (ii)а Citywide and nationwide slum upgrading Ц moving
upgrading to scale.
http://www.citiesalliance.org |
This Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded project focuses
on the role of improved data, indicators, and benchmarking in managing
fast growing cities in the Asia region andа works closely with some
of those cities to improve their operational efficiency. The project was
designed to remedy the endemic data shortfalls and to demonstrate the application
of indicators to urban policy formulation and implementation.а http://www.citiesdatabook.org/ |
City Poverty Net
CityPoverty is a project undertaken by the Max Lock Centre
- University of Westminster,а GHK Research, WEDC - Loughborough University
and supported by the Department forа International Development (DFID).
This site provides a focus for debate about urban poverty and tools for
the reduction of poverty in urban areas, in the context of international
development policy. It is the home for two on-going research projects concerned
with urban poverty issues: (a) Localising the Habitat Agenda for Urban
Poverty Reduction and (b) Addressing Poverty in City Development Strategies.
http://www.citypoverty.net/ |
Cities of Tomorrow - International Network for Better
Local Governance
The network, supported by the Bertelesmann Foundation,
aims to pool knowledge about local government reform; promote the exchange
of experience between local governments; research practical solutions;
promote the implementation of reform programmes among member countries;
and disseminate the results. http://www.cities-of-tomorrow.net |
CITYNET: Regional Network of Local Authorities for
the Management of Human
CityNet's vision is to act as a focal point and facilitator
in the Asian-Pacific region. It puts this vision into practice by promoting
the exchange of expertise and experiences among various stakeholders, particularly
local authorities and NGOs, and expanding bilateral relationships into
a multilateral network.а http://www.citynet-ap.org |
Planning Website |
Community Planning Website
Growing numbers of residents are getting involved with
professionals in shaping their local environment. This website is an essential
starting point for everyone concerned. It provides easily accessible how-to-do-it
best practice information of international scope and relevance.
http://www.communityplanning.net/ |
European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign
The Campaign supports transfer of knowledge and exchange
of experience in the field of urban sustainability and Local Agenda 21
in Europe, thereby helping implement the concept of sustainable development.
It provides central access to comprehensive and up-to-date information
relevant to all those working towards sustainability in an urban context.
http://www.sustainable-cities.org |
Global Development Research Centre: Urban Governance
Site focusing on the issues of accessibility, accountability,
transparency and efficiency in urban governance.а Information to help
understand the concept of urban governance, community development, conflict
management and with special sections on leadership, the precautionary principle
and women and urban governance.а Many useful links available.а
http://www.gdrc.org/u-gov/ |
The Inclusive City
Developed by Homeless
International, The inclusive city is... a place where ideas are shared,
аare heard, and new ideas are formed in the fight
against poverty. This web site aims to play an important part of that process.а
The Inclusive City explores issues of urban poverty and shares the experiences
and ideas of theа urban poor themselves. http://www.theinclusivecity.org/index.htm |
IHS: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studiesа
IHS is an international education institute aiming at
strengthening local capacities in housing, urban management and urban environmental
management, with the overall objective to improve urban quality and reduce
urban poverty. http://www.ihs.nl |
IIED: International Institute for Environment and
Development - Human Settlements Programme
The Human Settlements Programme's main interest lies
in reducing poverty and in improving health and housing conditions among
the urban populations of Latin America, Asia and Africa, especially among
low-income groups. The Programme also seeks to combine this with promoting
more ecologically sustainable patterns of urban
development.а The Programme publishes the journal
"Environment and Urbanization".а http://www.iied.org/human/index.html |
INTA: The International Network for Urban Development
INTA is an international network that encourages the
exchange of information, experience and best practices on urban development
and renewal across the world.а http://www.inta-aivn.org |
Fund of Citiesа
Against Poverty
International Solidarity Fund of Cities Against Poverty
The cities of Bamako (Mali), Geneva (Switzerland) and
Lyon (France) initiated, on March 5 2001, in Lyon the firstа Уinternational
Solidarity Fund of Cities against Poverty.Ф The mission is to support innovating
projects, meeting local demand, through programmes involving advice and
expertise, logistic support of local initiatives by supplying equipment,
sharing techniques, experience and knowledge.а The fund supports and
promotes co-operation projects whose main purpose is to fight against poverty,
inequalities and social exclusion.аа http://www.wacap-forum.ch/ |
Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative
was launched in 1997 by the Open Society Institute-Budapest.а The
primary mission of LGI is to foster cross-border cooperation and to support
and disseminate throughout the region potentially important policy studies
which should have a significant impact on public policy reform.аа
http://lgi.osi.hu/index.html |
MIT: Upgrading Urban Communities - A Resource for
With funding from the Cities
Alliance, the Massachussettes Institute of Technology has developed
an interactive tool with choices, tradeoffs, tools, and 'hints' targeted
to administrators and practitioners involved in urban upgrading.а
The site promotes awareness of the critical problem of providing basic
services to the rapidly increasing urban poor; captures and evaluates the
growing experience from upgrading projects and programs; and structures
the increasing wealth of documentation. http://www.web.mit.edu/urbanupgrading |
Metropolis is an international association of 76 global
cities. It works towards developing
solutions to issues affecting large cities such as urban
planning and development, the
economy, the environment, transport, infrastructure and
http://www.metropolis.org |
Toolkit for Citizen Participation in Local Governance
The toolkit offers information on tools which promote
citizen participation in local governance. Over one hundred of cases are
described and analysed. The site also presents articles and links for further
reference. The toolkit aims to promote citizen participation in local governance
through: the exchange of experiences; the promotion of methodological tools;
and through networking. The Toolkit is sponsored by Novib/Oxfam Netherlands,
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), Cordaid (Netherlands), and
Dutch Habitat Platform.а http://www.toolkitparticipation.com |
UNDP: MagNet: Management and Governance Network
The UNDP's Management Development and Governance Division
(MDGD) provides support to UNDPТs efforts to promote good governance.а
The Division gives substantive support and has programmatic activities
in six areas: Governing institutions; Decentralised governance; Public
sector management and accountability; Urban development; Governance in
crisis countries; Capacity development.а http://magnet.undp.org/ |
UNDP: Public Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment
PPPUE is a UNDP Bureau for Development Policy facility
that brings together government, private business & civil society to
poolа resources & skills to improve basic services at local levels.
http://www.undp.org/pppue/ |
UNESCAP: Human Settlements Section
The mandate of ESCAP, as the Regional Commission for
Asia and the Pacific, is to act as the main economic and social development
centre of the United Nations system within the Asia and the Pacific region
and as executing agency for inter-country development projects in their
own right.а Extensive information on the Habitat Agenda, urbanisation,
governance, urban poverty, land, gender and other human settlements issues
in Asia.а http://www.unescap.org/huset/index.html |
UN-HABITAT: United Nations
Human Settlements Programme
With the United Nations mandate for cities, UN-HABITAT
features many programmes active in the areas of urban governance, including:
UNIFEM:а Urban Governance: Why Gender Matters
Urban governance must be gender-sensitive if it is to
be equitable, sustainable and effective. Participation and civic engagement
are critical determinants of good governance, a concept which addresses
issues of social equity and political legitimacy and not merely the efficient
management of infrastructure and services. The different ways in which
women and men participate in and benefit from urban governance are significantly
shaped by prevailing constructions of gender, whose norms, expectations
and institutional expressions constrain women's access to the social and
economic, and thus political, resources of the city.
http://www.unifem.undp.org/bk_mon1.htm |
UNRISD: Urban Governance Researchа
The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
(UNRISD)'s work on urban governance seeks to identify emerging processes
for incorporating the voices of the excluded in decision making at the
local level. Research on these questions typically includes inputs from
and, where possible, collaborations among CBOs, NGOs, formal research entities
and local authorities. http://www.unrisd.org/engindex/research/urban.htm |
Urban Governance, Partnership and Poverty:
ESCOR-funded Research in Ten Cities: 1998-2001.а
A three-year ESCOR-funded research project carried out by the University
of Birmingham, in conjunction with IIED, LSE, Cardiff and local researchers,
has been looking at the relationship between urban governance and poverty
in ten cities in the South.
http://www.bham.ac.uk/idd/activities/urban/urbgov.htm |
URBANET provides its users with selected, up-to-date
information on decentralization, the strengthening of local self-government
and sustainable urban development. The network addresses experts of German-Technical-Cooperation
and its associated members, as well as politicians, local governance experts
and professionals in the field of Decentralization, Urban and Municipal
Development.аа http://www.urbanet.info |
World Bank: PovertyNet
PovertyNet is a World Bank web site developed to provide
resources for people and organizations working to understand and alleviate
poverty. Many resources available, including links to the World Development
Report, Voices of the Poor, and PovertyNet electronic newsletter. http://www.worldbank.org/poverty/ |
World Bank: Urban Development Home Page
Site organised along the following themes: City Development
Strategy; Disaster Management; Land & Real Estate;
Local Economic Development; Municipal Finance; Upgrading
Urban Communities; Urban Poverty; Urban Waste Management.а Links available
include the World Bank's Local and Urban Government Strategy paper and
the Urban Chapter of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Sourcebook.а http://www.worldbank.org/urban/ |
WHO: Healthy Cities Programme
The WHO Healthy Cities Program seeks health opportunities
in development. A Healthy Cities project aims: to put health on the agenda
of decision makers; to build a strong lobby for public health; and to develop
holistic, popular, participatory approaches to dealing with health issues.
http://www.who.int/hpr/archive/cities/index.html |
WACLAC: World Secretariat of Cities and Local Government
WACLAC is the world alliance of international associations
of cities and local authorities committed to
responsible and effective local self-government for sustainable
development. Its mission is to represent the
local government sector in the international arena and
in particular with the United Nations.а http://www.camval.org |