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Sierra Leone


 Adequate Shelter For All

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  • Preparation of Framework Document for Human Settlement Development
  • Support to Resettlement and Reintegration Programme
    Preparation of Framework Document for Human Settlement Development
    Total cost

    National Commission for Reconstruction, Resettlement and Rehabilitation 
    Ministry for Lands, Housing, Town and Country Planning and Environment
    United Nations Development Programme (UNEP)
    United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

    Background and objectives
    This project is for the resettlement, reconstruction and rehabilitation of conflict-affected Sierra Leoneans including returning IDPs, ex-combatants and the non-displaced population.  The interventions aimed at resettlement and reintegration linking emergency and development assistance in a continuum which is aimed at restoring an environment that permits the resumption of peaceful and sustainable living conditions.  The principal beneficiaries are communities and the nation as a whole as the project is aimed to develop and establish sustainable systems of shelter and service delivery through the re-establishment of efficient systems and institutions.

    A human settlements development framework will be developed taking into account lessons learned through the implementation of the resettlement, reconstruction and rehabilitation programme.  An international consultant is being recruited for 6 work months.  The activities include review of previous and existing policies, study of government development plans, consultations with various stakeholders and designing from that a national strategy.  A draft of the proposed framework will then be presented at a national consultation workshop.

    The principal beneficiaries will be the communities and all of Sierra Leone.  The project will develop policy guidelines and strategies for establishing sustainable shelter and service delivery with the resettlement, reconstruction and rehabilitation programme being the initial intervention in an emergency relief to development continuum.  It is expected to lead to the articulation of a national housing policy and implementation strategy.

    Support to Resettlement and Reintegration Programme
    Total cost

    National Commission for Reconstruction, Resettlement and Rehabilitation
    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
    United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
    United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

    Background and objectives
    This project supports settlement and reintegration including ex-combatants, through a community-based multi-sectoral resettlement and reintegration programme, linking emergency and development assistance with peaceful and sustainable living conditions.  Everyone benefits.  UNOPS is the implementing agency of this programme with UN-Habitat as collaborating agency.  The component to be executed by UN-Habitat involves construction of 2500 basic shelter units for the displaced population in 6 to 10 geographic areas.  Four community centres will be developed to promote a favourable environment for reintegration and economic recovery.  Development committees and community-based organizations will be trained in shelter strategies and environment management skills.  Activities by other partners include micro-enterprise development and training for income-generating skills by the International Labour Organization and counselling, reconciliation and peace-building trauma healing by UNIFEM.

    UNOPS is the implementing agency of this programme with UN-Habitat as collaborating agency.  The component to be executed by UN-Habitat involves construction of 2500 basic shelter units for the displaced population in 6 to 10 geographic areas.  Four community centres will be developed to promote a favourable environment for reintegration and economic recovery.  Chiefdom development committees and community-based organizations will be trained in shelter strategies and environment management skills.  Activities by other partners include micro-enterprise development and training for income generating skills by the International Labour Organization, counselling, reconciliation and peace-building trauma healing by UNIFEM.

    The results of the activities are expected to be immediate relief to the traumatized population; a framework for community-based rehabilitation of shelter and social infrastructure; construction of 2500 basic shelter units in 6 to 10 areas; improved project design and management skills for CDCs and CBOs; sustainable income and employment generation in at least four communities; establishment of a micro-credit system serving at least 3000 women and youth; revival of at least 3000 pre-existing jobs and micro enterprises and increased food security and agricultural output.

    In country's contact:

    Project Support Unit


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