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 Adequate Shelter For All

 Sustainable Urban Developement



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 French Version of the ROAAS Site

Rehabilitation of Urban Community Infrastructure
Total cost

Ministry of Mining, Equipment, Transport and Housing 
City of Lome and the commune of Tsévié 
International Labour Organisation (ILO) 
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) 

Background and objectives
This project aims to improve living conditions through access to basic infrastructure, giving employment opportunities in urban low-income communities and helping the Government and the municipalities to develop and implement programmes addressing urban poverty involving the poor, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, the private sector, municipalities and Government, while ILO assists in the field of infrastructure rehabilitation (drainage, markets, roads), using high-level labour intensive methods and training small-scale entrepreneurs and local artisans.  UN-Habitat support will focus on capacity-building in urban management through training of municipal staff, assessment of the financial situation of participating municipalities and elaboration of guidelines on municipal financial  management. 

Project activities will focus on the creation of job opportunities for low-income people, through construction and rehabilitation of basic infrastructure and services such as markets, drainage and sewerage systems, latrines, solid waste collection and management and training of artisans, small-scale entrepreneurs in production and the use of local building materials.  The project will also assist the Government to build the urban management capacity of the municipalities of Lomé and Tsévié.

A new market in Nukafu (Lomé) is being constructed, and a market in Tsévié is being rehabilitated.  The financial and institutional situation of the municipality of Tsévié has been assessed, and recommendations are being implemented, helping to improve resources.  Training on municipal financial and administrative issues related to contract and procurement have been organized for municipal staff and small-scale entrepreneurs involved in implementation of the project activities.

In country's contact:
UNDP Office 

Project Support Unit

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ROAAS, UN-HABITAT, P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
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