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Governing Council
Bureau Members
19th session
18th session
17th session
Committee of Permanent Representatives
Bureau Members
Working Groups

Committee of Permanent Representatives


The Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR) to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, serves as the inter-sessional subsidiary body of the Governing Council. Its terms of reference are as follows:

  1. To review and monitor, within the policy and budgetary framework provided by the Governing Council, the implementation of the work programme of UN-HABITAT as well as the implementation of decisions of the Governing Council;

  2. To review the draft work programme and budget of UN-HABITAT during their preparations;

  3. To prepare draft decisions and resolutions for consideration by the Governing Council; and

  4. To meet at least four times in a year with the participation of the Executive Director of UN-HABITAT.

Membership of the CPR comprises all Member states accredited to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT).

Click here for the programme of work of the CPR for the year 2002

Bureau Members

The Bureau of the CPR is composed of five members representing the five regional groups of the United Nations who are elected on a rotational basis to serve two-year terms. The composition of the Bureau for the biennium 2002-2003 is as follows:

H.E. Mr. Subir K.Bhattacharyya, Chairman of the CPR and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to UN-HABITAT(Asia and Pacific Group);

H.E. Mr. L.M. Makhubela, Vice-chair of the CPR and Permanent Representative of South Africa to UN-HABITAT (African Group);

H.E. Mr. Jose Luis Casal, Vice-chair of the CPR and Permanent Representative of Argentina to UN-HABITAT (Latin American and the Caribbean Group);

H.E. Mr. Andrzej Olszówka, Vice-chair of the CPR and Permanent Representative of Poland to UN-HABITAT (Eastern European Group); and

H.E. Mr. Osman Mengü Büyükdavras, Rapporteur of the CPR and Permanent Representative of Turkey to UN-HABITAT (Western European and Others Group).

Working Groups

The CPR has two formal Working Groups, which meet once or twice a month. These are:

  1. Working Group on Policy and Programme Matters, chaired by H.E. Mr. Andrzej Olsówka, the Permanent Representative of Poland; and
  2. Working Group on Finance, Budget and Administrative Matters, chaired by H.E. Mr. L.M. Makhubela, the Permanent Representative of South Africa.

In addition to these two Working Groups, the Bureau of the CPR may establish ad hoc Working Groups to deal with specific issues. Currently a third Working Group has been established by the Bureau on Preparations for the World Urban Forum. It is chaired by H.E. Mr. Jose Luis Casal, the Permanent Representative of Argentina.


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