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and sanitation in cities - translating global
goals into local action
By Kalyan Ray
Cholera is endemic in East Africa. Yet every couple
of years when it rains heavily, storm water washes
accumulated human waste, mainly from informal
settlements lacking minimum sanitation facilities,
into open boreholes and other water sources used
by the poor for drinking water. The result is
a cholera epidemic.

for progress on the Millennium Development Goals
By Sir Richard Jolly
The Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) for water and sanitation are really quite
modest. In the 1980s, the world set the goal
of water and sanitation for all by 1990.
A few years before that, in Mar del Plata, Argentina,
in 1977, access to safe water had been recognized
as a universal human right - by definition
a right of all people in all countries.

The Commission
on Sustainable Development -
focusing on urban slums
By Børge Brende
An important task for me as Chairman of the
Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
is to increase the global focus on problems
facing urban slums world-wide, and to contribute
to improving the conditions faced by slum dwellers
on a daily basis.


A message from
the ADB
Two thirds of the world's poor are found
in Asia and the Pacific, and one in three Asians
lives on less than one dollar a day. Of the
world's population without access to clean water,
almost two-thirds live in Asia and an even greater
number lack adequate sanitation.

The role of the Organization of American
By Bernhard Griesinger and Marilena Oliveira
The Organization of American
States (OAS), governed by the 34 countries of
the Americas, is committed to the Millennium
Development Goal of reducing by half the number
of people without access to clean water and
adequate sanitation by 2015. The OAS also shares
the emerging consensus that this challenge will
have to be largely met in our cities, where
most people live, consume water and generate


A water pollution
crisis in the Americas
By Luís Eduardo Galvão
Cities in the world, especially
ones located in less developed regions, such
as Latin America and the Caribbean, face serious
challenges in the management of water resources.
Given the crucial need to supply water to the
population, treatment of sewage is unavoidable.


Teaching water
conservation in African schools
By Pireh Otieno
As part of its Water for
African Cities programme UN-HABITAT has
embarked on a water education campaign to teach
children and local communities about the importance
of conservation in an effort to cut back waste.

poor pay more for their water
By Arthur C. McIntosh
Winnie Flores lives on the Mangahan Floodway
in Metro Manila. She is one of about 3 million
people who, almost five years after the privatisation
of Manila water supply, still have no access
to piped water. They pay almost as much for
water as for rent. Winnie could greatly improve
the quality of her accommodation and her dignity
in the neighbourhood if she could get connected
to piped water. She sighs, "It's coming
next year they say."


Toilets for
By Bindeshwar Pathak
Adequate supplies of safe water and sanitation
are essential for a healthy and productive life.
Water that is not safe for human consumption
can spread disease. Inadequate sanitation causes
pollution which adversely affects agricultural
productivity. Industrial activity is hit due
to illness-related absenteeism.


Challenge of Slums
UN-HABITAT's Global Report on Human Settlements
Every two years, UN-HABITAT publishes its flagship
Global Report onHuman Settlements. This
year'sreport entitled, The Challenge of Slums,
is packed with statistics and figures on our
rapidly urbanizing world - a world in which the
total number of people currently living in slums
is estimated at 928 million. This figure will
grow at an accelerated rate if no policy action
is taken now.