
Best Practices & Local Leadership
Partners: The Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme (BLP) was established in 1997 in response to the call of the Habitat Agenda to make use of information and networking in support of its implementation. It is a global network of government agencies, local authorities and their associations, professional and academic institutions and grassroots organisations dedicated to the identification and exchange of successful solutions for sustainable development. BLP partners are specialised in such areas as housing and urban development, urban governance, environmental planning and management, architecture and urban design, economic development, social inclusion, crime prevention, poverty reduction, women, youth, cultural heritage, municipal finance and management, infrastructure and social services.
Objectives: The objective of the BLP is to raise awareness of decision-makers on critical social, economic and environmental issues and to better inform them of the practical means and policy options for improving the living environment. It does so by identifying, disseminating and applying lessons learned from Best Practices to ongoing training, leadership and policy development activities. Best Practices are actions that have made a lasting contribution to improving the quality of life and the sustainability of our cities and communities.
Key Clients and countries served: BLP products include: documented and peer-reviewed best practices, examples of good policies and enabling legislation, case studies and briefs and transfer methodologies. These products are destined for decision-makers and practising professionals at all levels of government and organised civil society. Media products, including videos and newspaper articles are developed for the general public.
Working methods: Every two years, up to 10 outstanding initiatives receive the Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment, a biennial environmental award established in 1995 by the Municipality of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Award system reviews and assesses best practice submissions through an independent technical committee and jury.
Flagship Products: Those initiatives meeting the criteria for a Best Practice are included in the Best Practices database. The lessons learned from selected best practices are analysed in case studies and guides and are transferred to other countries, cities or communities through peer-to-peer learning and city-to-city transfers.
The BLP works closely with Habitats Global Campaigns on Secure Tenure and Urban Governance on the Inclusive Cities Network. Together with Urban Indicators Programme, the BLP forms the Global Urban Observatory (GUO), UN-HABITATs facility for monitoring global trends in sustainable urban development and evaluating progress in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda and Agenda 21. The policy implications and lessons learned from Best Practices are incorporated into Habitats State of the Worlds Cities report.
Contact: The Co-ordinator
Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Urban Secretariat, UN-HABITAT
P.O. 30030 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254-2-623029
Fax: 254-2-623080
E-mail: bestpractices@unchs.org
URL: www.sustainabledevelopment.org/blp
Database: www.bestpractices.org