
Localizing Agenda 21
Partners: Government of Belgium, Belgian Administration for Development Co-operation; Post Graduate Centre for Human Settlements, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; UN-HABITAT.
Objectives: This capacity-building programme started as a response to Chapter 28 of Agenda 21 whereby local authorities are called upon to undertake consultative processes to develop and implement "Local Agendas 21" for their communities. The LA21 Programme offers multi-year support to key actors in selected priority towns in Kenya, Morocco and Vietnam to undertake such Local Agenda 21 processes. The programme aims to promote good urban governance by supporting the development and implementation of broad-based environmental action plans, focusing on context-specific aspects of municipal planning and management. The Programme also enhances the capability of local authorities to integrate these action plans into strategic urban development plans, stimulating inter-sectoral synergy. Through the implementation of the action plans tangible impact is achieved for low-income communities, leading to more sustainable urban development.
Key clients and countries served: Municipal Councils, Ministries concerned with the environment and community-based organisations in Cuba, Kenya, Morocco and Vietnam.
Working methods: For each town the programme strategy emphasises the need for a shared vision for the future development of the city. In parallel, urgent problems are addressed through action planning and environmental conflict resolution. A continuous broad-based consultative process underpins this process. Capacity-building efforts focus on setting priorities for action, targeted human resources development, institutional strengthening, development and adaptation of tools and instruments, encouraging partnerships, mobilisation of resources, and promoting exchange between cities facing similar problems.
Flagship products and activities: The Programme is currently active in three countries. In Nakuru, Kenya the Programme involves: the implementation a strategic structure plan; strengthening the Town Planning Unit; resolving space-use conflicts around the bus park and market area; re-vitalising the Council’s rental housing stock; reinforcing community participation in solid waste removal; and providing training to civic leaders concerning their role as guardians of the environment. In Essaouira, Morocco, assistance is given to the Municipal Council to: create a centre for urban development and environmental protection; stimulate collaboration between the Municipality and community based organisations to revitalise the old historic centre of the town; and develop an urban park between the city and an adjacent dune forest. In Vinh City, Vietnam the Programme supports the People’s Committee to adopt innovative planning methods and tools, to revitalise the public housing stock and to improve the solid waste management.
The Programme Manager
Localising Agenda 21
P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (254 2) 623228
Fax: (254 2) 623715
E-mail: jean-christophe.adrian@unhabitat.org
Web-site: http://www.unhabitat.org/programmes/agenda21/habrdd/capagd21.htm