Background and objectives

The housing sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been neglected during the past thirty years. The main infrastructure networks have collapsed and the quality of human resources in the sector is very limited. The aim of the project is to support the capacity building process and the rehabilitation of the main infrastructures in the city of Kinshasa. The project also supports the elaboration of a National Plan of Action for housing development.
After the establishment of the Project Support Unit specific activities were developed in 2000, namely: 
a) A rapid assessment of the Basic and Social Infrastructures services in the project Towns was conducted; 
b) a successful training programme with eight courses/workshops in different areas: 

Capacity Building Initiatives to Accelerate the Rehabilitation & Reconstruction  of  Rural Housing & Community Infrastructures

Training Programmes:

  • Building Materials Production & Construction       Technology.
  • Economic Housing Construction. Rehabilitation and   Reconstruction Works.
  • Community Development & Leadership.
  • Housing Delivery  Process.
  • Equipment Fabrication and Marketing.
  • Construction Micro-Enterprise Development and Business Management. 
  • Settlement Planning and Environmental Sanitation.

  • Computer Application & Data Base  Management
The Programme has introduce a process of mobilising local authorities and communities to effectively participate in the reconstruction process and in the development of their communities through individual homes and basic infrastructure. A tripartite Evaluation was conducted in July 2000 and the evaluation team concluded that “the project is showing serious signs of success”. Besides a positive transfer of technology to communities and the adoption of cost-effective building materials production one of the major achievements is the reinforcement of community and institutional capacities. The Programme is proving its capacity to generate income activities and to mobilize the communities to effectively participate in reconstruction actions. In the second phase of the Programme, which started in August 2000, a micro-credit component for housing and building materials will be introduced.
Total cost
US$ 1,200,000
National Habitat Committee (Steering Committee Inter-Ministerial Body)
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UNCHS (Habitat)
Liberia's contact:
UNDP  Monrovia, Liberia
John O. Kakonge
Resident Representative
Tel:  231- 226188
Fax: 231-226193/226196/226210

Project Support Unit
Lancelot A. Lake
Chief Technical Adviser
Tel.: 888 - 330134 / 231-226195
Fax: 231- 226210/226193

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Pour plus d'informations, utilisez l'adresse suivante: 
ROAAS, UNCHS (Habitat), P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-2-623221, fax: +254-2-623904, E-mail:

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