Upgrading Urban Communities
Forum: Habitat in Developing Countries
Poverty Programme Morocco
Best Practices Database
Best Practices & Local Leadership Programme
Social Watch on poverty eradication and gender equity
National Institute for Social Science Information (NISSI)
Building and Social Housing Foundation
Home Based Enterprises Home Page
Urban & Regional Database
Programme de Gestion Urbaine / Urban Management Programme
Global Urban Observatory
Joint Center for Poverty Research, Northwestern University
Le Programme de Développement Municipal (PDM)
Feantsa European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
HIC Habitat International Coalition HIC-Europe
National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP)
Urban Poverty and Family Life Survey of Chicago, 1987
Is urban poverty changing in Canada?
Population, Poverty, and Politics...m the University Press of Florida
Urban Poverty and the Informal Sector
Elimination of Poverty
Promoted Areas of activity
International Labor Organization...Labor Soars in African Continent
Community Aid Abroad: Africa
Community Aid Abroad: Central America
Community Aid Abroad: East and South-East Asia
Africa's economy achieved mixed results in 1997
The Macro Economy and the Growth and Urban Poverty in Australia
Poverty Incidence Falls...
IIED: Human Settlements
Settlements - Publications/Urban Poverty Reduction
CGAP Focus Note No. 10
Worldwatch Institute
Institute for Research on Poverty
Overpopulation - Poverty
Cities Feeding People Project Fact Sheets
Programme for Research on Poverty Alleviation
Center for Urban Policy Research
Enterprise Works Worldwide
Center for Comparative Family Welfare and Poverty Research
IIED - International Institute for Environment and Development
Major Research Paper
Urban Agriculture in Zimbabwe
NLC home
Books from sage Publications
The Center for Urban Research & Policy
JCPR Working Papers: Urban Poverty Housing-mobility Experiment
Infrastructure and Urban Development
Gender and Urban Social Movements
Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF)
International Organisations
World Bank
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Management and Governance Division Management and Governance Network (MagNet)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Best Practices For Human Settlements
United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage
World Heritage Cities (list)
World Health Organization (WHO / OMS)
Healthy Cities (WHO)
The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
Charte des villes europèennes pour la durabilitè (Charte d’ Aalborg)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
The Public Management Service (PUMA)(OECD)
Council of European Municipalities and Regions
Council of EuropeEuropean cultural co-operation
European Union
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) Faculty of Architecture
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Faculty of Architecture Institute for Reasearch on the Built Environment (IREC)
University of Geneva Institute of Architecture (IAUG)
University of Geneva Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences Department of Geography
Graduate Institute of Development Studies Geneva
Institut d’urbanisme de Grenoble
University of Toronto
University of Toronto Innis College The Urban Studies Program
Politecnico di Torino
Public Technology, Inc.
African Development Forum
The Preamble Center
Forum of Researchers on Human Settlements Secretariat
For more information, please contact: ROAAS, UN-Habitat, P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-2-623221, fax: +254-2-623904, E-mail: roaas@unchs.org