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  Новые поступления: апрель, май, июнь 2002 г.
  Каталог видеофильмов ООН
  Архив поступлений в библиотеку

Новые поступления публикаций
Октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь 2002 г.

  • Дебаты Хабитат. Вестник. No.4. 2002
  • Доклад о глобальной эпидемии ВИЧ/СПИДа. UNAIDS, 2002
  • Ежегодный обзор рынка лесных товаров. ECE, 2002
  • Обзор Доклада о мировых инвестициях 2002. UNCTAD, 2002
  • Обзор экономического положения Европы: 2001 - No.1. ECE, 2002
  • ООН в Женеве: Вопросы и ответы. UNOG, 2002
  • ООН в России. Бюллетень. UNDP-UNA. 2002 - No.5
  • Пекинская декларация и Платформа действий. Пекин+5:
  • Достижениеравенства мужчин и женщин.UN DPI, 2002
  • Программа действий по предотвращению и искоренению незаконной торговли стрелковым оружием. UN DPI, 2002
  • Статистика дорожно-транспортных происшествий в Европе и
  • Северной Америке. Бюллетень,т.XLVIII. ECE, 2002
  • Хроника ООН. Журнал. UN DPI - "Весь мир", 2002 - No.3
  • Юридический ежегодник ООН за 1994 год. UN, 2002
  • Africa Environment Outlook. UNEP, 2002
  • Africa Recovery. UN, 2002 - No.2-3
  • Assisting Nations to Cultivate Peace after Conflict. UN DPI, 2002
  • E-Commerce and Development Report: 2002. UNCTAD, 2002
  • Economic Development in Africa. UNCTAD, 2002
  • International Trade Statistics Yearbook: 2000. Vol. I, II . UN, 2002
  • Monthly Bulletin of Statistics. UN DESA, 2002- Nos.7, 8, 9, 10
  • State of World Population: 2002. UNFPA, 2002
  • UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: 20th Anniversary. UN DPI, 2002
  • UN Statistical Yearbook:1999. UN, 2002
  • World Economic and Social Survey: 2002. UN DESA, 2002
  • World Report on Violence and Health. WHO, 2002
  • Yearbook of the United Nations: 2000. Vol.54. UN, 2002

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Каталог видеофильмов ООН
по состоянию на январь 2000 г.


4-3    UN Helps Traumatized Chechen Children. 2 Tapes: Russian , English. January 2001. DPI, 3:31.VHS
4-2    A Cyber - Tale of Three Cities . 2 Tapes: Russian , English. July 1997. DPI, 28:10,VHS
4-1    A common Goal. Russian. Nov. 1994. DPI, 14-18, VHS


5-5    UN Helps to Prevent Landmine and UXO Accidents in Chechnya. English. March 2001. DPI, 2:57. VHS
5-4    Legacies of War. English. November 2000. DPI, 31:00. VHS
5-3    Armed to the Teeth. English. October 2000. DPI, 28:00. VHS
5-2    Secrets in the Sand. 2 tapes: Russian, English. May 1997, DPI, 28:00, VHS
5-1   The Menace of Land Mines. 2 tapes: Russian 14:00, English 1:45, May 1997, DPI, VHS


6-2    World Environment Day 5 June 2001. Message from UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan. English, May 2001. UNEP. 2:2. VHS
6-1    World Environment Day 5 June 2001. UNEP Spot Ads and Public Service Announcements. English. May 2001. UNEP, 12:00. VHS

Human Rights

8-10    UN Helps Build Shelters for Displaced Chechens. English. January 2001. DPI, 3:13. VHS
8-9    UNHCR monitors in Ingushetia: UN's eyes and ears. English. October 2000. DPI, 3:20.VHS
8-8    UN Secretary-General's Human Rights Day Message - 10 December 2000. English, December 2000. DPI, 3:05. VHS
8-6    UN in Action: Focus on Human Rights. English. Oct. 1998, DPI. 35:00. VHS
8-5    For Everyone Everywhere. The making of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (2 tapes: English, Russian.) Dec.1998. DPI, 28:27, VHS; Betacam
8-4   Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . PSA. 6 Languages. Dec. 1998, DPI, 28:00, Betacam - TV spot
8-3   UN Secretary-General's Human Rights Day Message - 10 December 1998. Nov.1998 , DPI, 3:05, English, 2 tapes: VHS; Betacam - UN TV
8-2   Doctor in the Sky. English, 1990, DPI, 9:03, VHS

Narcotic Drugs Abuse Control

10-2    Selected UN in Action Programmes on Drugs. English. Sept. 1998. DPI, 27-00, VHS
10-1   Cleaning Lady. English + Russian. Sept. 1998. UN Intern. Drug Control Programme, 2:00, VHS


11-1    45 years. UNRWA for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. English. 1995, UNRWA, 14:00, VHS


18-20    Ralph Bunch: An American Odyssey. English. October 2001. USA WG Production. 117:00. VHS
   No place to Hide. A Personal View of UN Peacekeeping by Sir Brian Urquhart. Russian. Nov. 1998. DPI, 50:00, VHS
12-1   UN Peacekeepers: Macedonia, Slavonia, Lebanon, Angola, Tajikistan, Georgia, Western Sahara. (UN in Action). 2 tapes: Russian, English. Oct .1998. DPI, 30:00,VHS


13-4    State of World Population. Report Video News Release 1999. English. September 1999. UNFPA. 7:21, 3 tapes -VHS; 3 tapes - Betacam
13-3    We are the United Nations: Population Fund. English, June 1996, UNFPA, 14:06, VHS
13-2   The International Conference on Population and Development. (Voices from Cairo). English. 1995, UNFPA, VHS
13-1   Little by little. English. May 1995, UNFPA, 24:53, VHS

Social Development

15-4    Dialogue among Civilization. "Unsung Heroes". English. November 2001. DPI, 7 x 60 Second Spot Series. VHS; Betacam
   UN Secretary-General's Statement on the World Summit for Social Development. English, French, Arabic. March 1995. 2:20, VHS
15-2   UN Social Summit, PSA. English, Russian. Jan. 1995, DPI, 0:32, VHS

Sustainable Development

17-1    Human Development Report 1999. English. June 1999. UNDP. 4:00. VHS

United Nations Organization

18-21    Year in Review 2001. English, Russian. Dec. 2001. DPI, 15:00. VHS + Betacam
18-20    Ralph Bunch: An American Odyssey. English. Oct. 2001. USA WG Production. 117:00. VHS
18-19    Year in Review 2000. English, Russian. Dec. 2000. DPI. 15:00. VHS, Betacam
18-18    UN Secretary General's Millennium Message. Dec. 1999. DPI. English 3:38 + French 3:55. VHS
18-17    Year in Review 1999. English. Dec. 1999. DPI. 15:00. VHS
18-16    Year in Review 1998. English, Russian. Dec. 1998. 15:00. 3 tapes: Betacam, 2 - VHS
18-15   The Secretary-General Video Message for World Aids Day. English. Dec. 1997, DPI, 3:36, VHS
18-14   Year in Review 1997. 2 tapes: Russian, English. DPI, 15:00, VHS
18-13   Secretary-General's statement to the Staff of the United Nations on the Proposal for Reform. English. 2 tapes. 34:46, VHS
18-12   United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Address to the Staff. English, French. Jan. 1997, DPI, ? , VHS
18-11   Year in review 1996. English, Russian. Jan. 1997, DPI, 15:00. VHS
18-10   United Nations Fiftieth Anniversary. Videotape modules of multimedia exhibit: Countdown to the Future. Russian, 41:00. The World we Share. Russian, 13:00. 1996. VHS
18-9   A place to Stand. Russian. 1996. DPI, 14:50. VHS (для лекций)
18-8   Year in Review 1996. Russian, DPI, 15:00, VHS
18-7   Year in Review 1995. 2 tapes: English, Russian. Jan. 1996, DPI, 15:00, VHS
18-6   UNIDO - Promotional Video UNIDO 2000. English, Dec.1995, 4:00, VHS
18-5   UN 50th Anniversary. Overview of 50 Years. English. Oct.1995, DPI, 28:00, VHS
18-4   The Broken Flight. English. Aug.1995. DPI, 28:05, VHS
18-2 (4-1)   A Common Goal. Russian. Nov.1994. DPI, 14:18, VHS
18-1   U.N. wrap up 1991. Russian, 1991. DPI, 15:42, VHS

UN Volunteers

19-2    Video Public Service Announcement for the International Year of Volunteers 2001.Over 1,000 volunteer photos with a message by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. English. October 2001. UNV, 10:00. VHS; Betacam
   Returning with Dignity: UN Volunteers. English. 1993. UNDP. 29:00. VHS


21-5    International Labour Standards on Women Workers. English. 1993. ILO, 18:00
21-4    UN in Action: Compilation on women's issues. English; Russian. March 1999. DPI, 29:39. VHS
21-3   Women in Society: Overcoming the Odds. English. June 1995. DPI, 30:60, VHS
21-2   Fourth World Conference on Women. TV spot. Russian. Oct.1995, DPI, 00:30, VHS

World Economy

22-1    UN Trade and Development Report 1999. Interview: Rubens Ricupero, Secretary-General, UNCTAD. English. Sept. 1999, UNCTAD. B-Roll. Betacam

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