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Capacity-Building for the Community Rehabilitation and National Reconciliation Programme

Background and objectives
Angola is emerging from twenty years of war, physical destruction and a social, economic and financial crisis.  During Angola's first round table conference, held in Brussels in September 1995, the Government presented the Community Rehabilitation and National Reconciliation Programme (CRNRP), for consolidating peace, encouraging national reconciliation and resuming economic and social development.  The programme anticipations in the rehabilitation of productive capacity and basic infrastructure.  UN-Habitat developed a subprogramme covering one of the five priority target areas, rehabilitation of Government facilities in the provinces.  UN-Habitat provides technical support for rehabilitation of minimal government facilities in the 18 provinces, allow the provincial governments to undertake effectively their responsibilities and to support the Government in developing the housing and infrastructure component of the community rehabilitation programme by preparing project documents for specific reconstruction projects.

The UN-Habitat Technical Support Unit was set up in September 1996. Programme implementation has focused on building local capacity based on a policy of support, enablement, training, improving physical infrastructure, creation of job opportunities for the community and promotion of partnerships between the Government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.  Activities include rehabilitation of public buildings, rehabilitation of physical and social infrastructure and advisory services to the Central Technical Support Unit in the Ministry of Planning.  Rehabilitation activities have expanded to 10 provinces in Angola.  An evaluation of the programme has begun, and a documentary video has been prepared on the programme and the UN-Habitat rehabilitation activities in Angola.

Methodological tools, such as a physical and social infrastructure rehabilitation manual, identification and formulation of projects and a methodological guide and a computer programme to ensure a transparent bidding process, have been prepared. These tools are being tested before publication.  One annual report and quarterly technical and financial reports have been distributed.  All rehabilitation activities have been completed in 10 provinces, and the provincial authorities have approved the quality and standard of the buildings.
An internal evaluation of the implementation process has been completed, and a tripartite review, held in May 1999, after phase 1, stated that UN-Habitat  had completed most of its work.  It was agreed that the UN-Habitat role should be enlarged to cover the rehabilitation of basic infrastructure and housing as one of the four components of the programme.  Within the housing component of the programme, UN-Habitat assisted the Ministry of Public Works and a private firm to prepare of a low-cost housing programme called Luanda Sul.  This project was awarded the Dubai Best Practices Award in 2000.

Total cost:
US$ 3,329,203

Ministry of Planning 
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

Rehabilitation of Health Structures in Angola in the Framework of the Community Rehabilitation Programme (UNICEF) 
Total cost
  • Ministry of Health at the provincial level 
  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) 
  • United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) 

Background and objectives

A significant number of hospitals and medical facilities have been destroyed or pillaged.  Health units in most municipalities are operating without power, drinking water or sanitation systems.  UNICEF has been providing support to the Government of Angola to develop a number of programmes, including rehabilitation and construction, extension and support to health units, improvement of water and sanitation facilities and the creation of a strategic health planning capacity within the framework of the community rehabilitation and national reconciliation programme.  Consultations were held between UNICEF and UN-Habitat about UN-Habitat participation in the implementation of the UNICEF project, "Rehabilitation of Health Structures in Angola".  The main objective of UN-Habitat support is to provide technical monitoring and support, including review missions, technical assistance and analysis of technical reports on implementation of the UNICEF project. 


Technical support for the project has been set up in the UN-Habitat technical support unit in Luanda.  Rehabilitation activities have been undertaken through small subcontractors, non-governmental organizations and semi-skilled community members.  Quarterly technical and financial reports are being provided. 


At the beginning of 2000, rehabilitation of eight health posts in Malange, Huambo and Uige provinces was completed.  Only two other health posts were still being rehabilitated in July 2000.  UNICEF will evaluate the political situation and the performance of UNCHS (Habitat) in order to assess the feasibility of continuing the programme in the following year.  Relevant documents have been submitted to UNICEF by the technical unit of UN-Habitat in Angola for that purpose. 

Rehabilitation Activities in the Provincial Population Programme

Total cost 

Provincial government of Benguela 
Provincial government of Huila 

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) 

Background and objectives
UNFPA is supporting the Government of Angola in developing population programmes in the provinces.  The programmes include rehabilitation of mother-and-child health care facilities.  The provincial governments of Benguela and Huila and UN-Habitat were consulted, and this resulted in an agreement that the provincial governments will, using part of UNFPA funds, cooperate with UN-Habitat for implementation of the rehabilitation activities planned in the UNFPA-funded provincial population programmes in Benguela and Huila.  The main objective of UN-Habitat support is to provide technical monitoring, including review missions, provision of technical guidance and analysis of technical reports in the rehabilitation activities under the UNFPA-funded provincial population programmes in Benguela and Huila. 

The partners have agreed that the methodology developed by UN-Habitat in the community rehabilitation programme will be used to implement the rehabilitation process.  UNCHS (Habitat) recruited project personnel in June 1998, and implementation has started. 

More than 24 structures were partially or totally rehabilitated in Benguela and Huila under this programme in 1999 and 2000, however, despite the satisfaction expressed by the provincial authorities and the UNFPA country representative, activities have been terminated.  This decision was taken because the political and military situation in Angola has not improved, and UNFPA does not have financial resources for other rehabilitation activities under this programme. 

Rehabilitation and New Construction Civil Works for the Northern Region Food crops Development Project 

Total cost $1,877,300 

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 

United Nations Office for Project Services (OPS) 
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) 

Background and objectives
Consultations were held between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and UN-Habitat, through UNDP, about the civil works component of the northern region foodcrops development project, executed by the Government, supervised by UNOPS and funded by the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD).  Through these consultations, agreement was reached that the Government would, using part of the proceeds of the IFAD loan, cooperate with UNCHS (Habitat) in rehabilitation and new construction civil works for the northern region foodcrops development project.  As a cooperating agency, UNCHS (Habitat) was to provide technical monitoring and support, including review missions, provision of technical guidance and analysis of technical reports on implementation.  UN-Habitat was to provide technical support to the Government in the construction of a research centre in Malange province and to rehabilitate 18 government facilities in the provinces of Kwanza Norte, Malange and Uige. 

Minor rehabilitation was undertaken in the provinces of Malange and Kwanza Norte in 1999, and all architectural and engineering drawings for the research centre as well as the tender documents were prepared. 

The selection of bidders was in its final stage when war broke out in the region at the end of 1999.  In light of the security situation, a contingency plan was adopted, and project activities were suspended.  However, in July 2000 the Government informed UN-Habitat that conditions permitted resumption of activities. 

In country's contact:
UNDP  Luanda

Project Support Unit
Adama Bah
Chief Technical Adviser

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