Total cost $650,260
Municipality of Abidjan
National Office for Technical Studies
and Development (BNETD)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Background and objectives
The 3 million inhabitants of Abidjan represent
40 per cent of the urban population of Côte d'Ivoire. The Government
and municipalities are faced with rapid growth of urban poverty.
In 1993, about 32 per cent of the population of Abidjan had no access to
basic urban infrastructure. The provision of basic urban services
has failed to match population growth, and the municipalities are unable
to address this problem properly, owing a lack of human and financial resources
and inadequate urban poverty alleviation strategies and policies.
The project aims to assist the Municipality of Abidjan, in the four communes
of Abobo, Adjame, Bingerville and Port Bouet, to formulate and implemente
an urban poverty alleviation programme at the municipal level, involving
key partners, governmental institutions, municipalities, NGOs and the private
The project activities focus on strengthening
the capacity of the four communes to elaborate and implement urban poverty
alleviation programmes creating job opportunities in the formal and informal
sectors, building capacity in community-based and non-governmental organizations
and local authorities and to improve accessibility to basic services for
the poor.
Results include long-term action plans
for each commune for poverty alleviation and a short-term action plan with
priorities identified by the beneficiaries. Funding will be mobilized
for specific plot projects at the municipal level, and it is expected that
at the end of the project, the municipality will be in a better position
to develop a poverty alleviation programme.
Total cost $515,500
Three municipalities of Adjame, Treichville
and Yopougon (Abidjan)
National Council of Security (Ministry
of Safety and Security)
International Centre for the Prevention
of Crime (ICPC)
European Forum on Urban Safety
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Background and objectives
Delinquency, insecurity and violence threaten
the quality of life in cities of Côte d'Ivoire. This threat
diverts scarce resources from social and economic development, and the
situation has led the Government to take measures to centralize police
action and to lead international action against drug trafficking.
A prevention strategy at the municipal level was, however, lacking.
The project began in October 1998 at the request of the National Council
of Security and the mayors of Abidjan who wanted to address urban violence
by developing a prevention strategy for Abidjan. The three municipalities
of Adjamé, Treichville and Yopougon were chosen. The objective
of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the city to implement prevention
activities through a multisectoral and partnership approach coordinated
by local authorities. The immediate objectives are the preparation
of an action plan based on the results of a local security appraisal, implementation
of an action plan, formulation of pilot projects and the dissemination
of this experience to other cities in Côte d'Ivoire.
Three coordinators were recruited in 1998
and attended a general training course organized by UN-Habitat/ICPC
in November 1998. They are mobilizing civil society organizations
and municipal partners to formulate an action plan. One local security
council was established in Yopougon in 1998.
One month after the beginning of the project,
there was a request from the Government and mayors to extend the Safer
Cities project to other districts in Abidjan and to other cities in Côte
d'Ivoire. The expected results of the project are enhanced capacity
of the municipalities to establish a strategy of prevention and its implementation
based on a local coalition in the city.